Hidden Beauty ... Tata Geological Commission

Hidden Beauty ... Tata Geological Commission

The oases of Tata charm the field and enrich heritage

Noteworthy perspective of the city of Tata. People have settled in the region of the area since old circumstances, as per the stone engravings that spread through the arrangement of the lower manufacturer to more than ten thousand years back. The tenants of this locale after the engravings talked isolated between the old settlements that were wrecked as the city of Tamdolt, And the city of Sabor in the territory of Takmut and others didn't comprehend the pens of history specialists and the home of the gatherings that made go in look out of all these old occupants were censuring the agnostic religion that the assignment of Jews on the district amid the relocations caused by the Babylonians Fertile Crescent, and when Islam came spread, The separation between the area and the focuses of government in Marrakech, Fez and Rabat kept on forcing itself and left individuals meandering under the place where there is Saybah and the inborn wars that pulverized the towns and decimated the reports all through the Islamic state. In pulling in individuals and doing their things for quite a long time. Goodbye and its environs were the last zone vanquished by the French colonization, which figured out how to tempt the Dupali leader Puneilat and designated his governors in the focuses of Aqa, Tata and Ticent. After autonomy the components of the Liberation Army took this territory as a take off platform to assault the French powers still positioned in the districts of Taut and Tindouf. Al Hamra and Wadi Al-Zahab, yet the significant plot that accelerated the disintegration of this armed force influenced the district's voice to blur, and it would stay overlooked until the point that the Sahara issue developed again to make the domain of Tata.

 This wonderful picture is from the depths of the city of Tata and specifically the area of Qal'at Mgouna

 Our land, though it does not grow a plant, but it sows pride and dignity and pride and glory in its children.