Prison is a continent ... a prison has no door in the form of hallucinations like a maze

Prison is a continent ... a prison has no door in the form of hallucinations like a maze
Prison of the continent, the city of Meknes
He is the only one in the world who has no door. The area is unknown inside is missing and the outside is born
Is a prison built by the Mullah Ismail in the seventeenth century, in which he is credited with stirring unrest and sedition and enemies of the state in general and its opponents in particular. A prison built entirely underground. It was built on a hallucinatory structure like a maze.
Each hall has several corridors and each corridor leads to another, so that if you enter it becomes very difficult to return from where you came. It is said that no one entered this prison and came out alive.
The prison area is unknown to this day. There are those who say that it is the size of the city of Meknes, and there are those who say it extends to tens of kilometers underground.
This prison is the only one in the world that has no door!
So how do prisoners enter?
The prison had a main hall with a hole in the ceiling where the prisoners were thrown and from which they were also given food. If the prison was a life prison, there is a novel that says that the Sultan has made the prison one way out of the one he finds is free.

A questioner may ask why this prison is not explored to reveal all its secrets. The reason is simply that no one dares to. There is a widespread belief that this prison is haunted or has a curse. Many adventurers have tried to explore it, but everyone who enters it does not return.
The highlight of his exploration was a team of French explorers in the 1990s. This professional team brought in all the modern tools and equipment to explore the caves of Qara. The result was tragic. The team disappeared and their fate remains unknown to this day.
After this incident, the authorities closed the incarceration with a concrete wall and left only one room for tourists.