17 Most Amazing Ancient Ruins of the World


The world is home to a plethora of fascinating ancient ruins, from ruined cities to temples that have stood the test of time. Many of these ancient societies were incredibly innovative and forward-thinking. Just look at their meticulous city planning and incredible engineering feats, some of which are still not fully understood.

And while there is so much we can learn from these prehistoric peoples, perhaps the most fascinating thing is what we don't know. Some of the most captivating ancient ruins are full of millennia-old mysteries that will perplex even the most curious minds.

25. Ayuthaya

Founded around 1350, Ayutthaya is a historic city that began as a Khmer military and trading post. It didn't take long for this thriving trading port to become the ancient capital of Thailand. It retained this title for four centuries, until it was burned by Burmese invaders.

The vast majority of the city's temples and relics were built of wood and destroyed. Only about 50 stone temples and relics survived the fire and are still visible today. Since renovations began in the 1970s, exploring Ayutthaya's blend of Siamese, Sri Lankan and Khmer architecture has become a popular day trip from Bangkok.

24. Stonehenge

Located on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous ancient ruins. Dating back over 5,000 years, these curious stone rings are among the oldest stone structures on the planet. Created from sandstone, they are surrounded by mystery.

It is still unknown who built them and why. Two popular theories hold that Stonehenge was used as a site for religious rituals or to monitor the movements of the sun and moon. Since it takes only two hours to explore the Stonehenge ruins and its adjacent museum, a day trip from London is often combined with a visit to Windsor or Bath.

23. Mesa Verde

In the heart of the American Southwest, you'll find Mesa Verde National Park and its fascinating collection of 600 ancient clifftop dwellings. The most famous of these dwellings is the Cliff Palace, built in a huge sandstone alcove that has protected it from the elements for more than seven centuries.

It is the largest of its kind in North America and, unlike the other dwellings which contained only a few rooms for residential purposes, the palace had over 150 rooms and 23 sacred kivas. After being inhabited for nearly a century, these unusual cliffside villages were suddenly abandoned in the 13th century. No one really knows why.

Today, approximately 4,800 archaeological sites dating back to 550 A.D. are located in Mesa Verde, some of which are open to the public.

22. Sigiriya

Sigiriya is an ancient fortress carved into a 200 meter vertical rock face near the town of Dambulla in Sri Lanka. Atop what is now known as the Lion Rock are the fascinating remains of an ancient civilization, considered the capital of the Kassapa kingdom.

In its heyday, it included a citadel, an upper palace, a wall of mirrors with beautiful colorful frescoes and a lion-shaped gate. After the death of the king, the capital was abandoned and used as a Buddhist monastery until the 14th century.

While climbing to the top of Sigiriya is certainly not for everyone, the view of the water features, ramparts, terraced gardens and caves is well worth it.

21. Masada

Sigiriya is an ancient fortress carved into a 200 meter vertical rock face near the town of Dambulla in Sri Lanka. Atop what is now known as the Lion Rock are the fascinating remains of an ancient civilization, considered the capital of the Kassapa kingdom.

In its heyday, it included a citadel, an upper palace, a wall of mirrors with beautiful colorful frescoes and a lion-shaped gate. After the death of the king, the capital was abandoned and used as a Buddhist monastery until the 14th century.

While climbing to the top of Sigiriya is certainly not for everyone, the view of the water features, ramparts, terraced gardens and caves is well worth it.

20. Hampi

Second largest medieval city after Beijing, Hampi was one of the richest in India. Once the thriving epicenter of the Karnata Empire, with its temples and imperial palaces, all that remains today are crumbling ruins. Founded in the 14th century by two princes, the ancient capital began as a simple religious center by the river.

Highlights include the temple that served as the personal place of worship for the royal family, the House of Victory, the Vitthala temple with its stone chariot and musical pillars, and the main temple with its carvings of strange sea creatures.

19. Pompeii

The eerie ruins of Pompeii are located near the Italian city of Naples. When the iconic Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, it destroyed the Roman city under waves of lava and took the lives of more than 2,000 inhabitants.

The ancient city, discovered by chance under the volcanic rock in the 1950s, is remarkably well preserved. However, it was not until two decades later that it was properly excavated.

To date, 22 of the original 66 hectares have not been unearthed. You can walk through the streets of these ancient Roman ruins and imagine the city as it was in its heyday. There are remains of stone houses, temples, bakeries and even a brothel.

18. Tulum

An hour's drive from Cancun, the ruins of Tulum are the remains of an ancient fortress built by the Mayans atop a cliff. Walled in on three sides and open to the Caribbean Sea on the fourth, the view is simply incredible.

Although it dates back to 564 AD, Tulum was at its peak in the 13th and 14th centuries. Populated by 1,600 people, it was a powerful hub for the trade of turquoise, jade, cotton and cocoa beans. In addition to the main attraction, El Castillo Pyramid, check out the magnificent mural at the Temple of Frescoes and go for a swim on Tulum's secret beach, surrounded by palm trees and sunbathing iguanas.

While you have a choice of guided tours, you'll get much more out of exploring at your own pace. Self-guiding books can be purchased at the entrance.

17. Ephesus

Although it is one of the most impressive Greek and Roman ruins on the planet, the ancient city of Ephesus is located in western Turkey. Dating back more than 2,000 years, it was once home to the famous temple of Artemis.

But what sets these ruins apart is their immersive nature. Unlike many other protected archaeological sites, you can touch, stand and walk through every part of the city. Highlights include a series of ancient public toilets, the library of Celsus, the bath of Varius, Hadrian's temple and the Prytaneion.

It is also home to the Great Theater of Ephesus, which has 25,000 seats, the largest open-air theater in the ancient world.

16. Ellora Caves

The Ellora Caves consist of a series of caves, monasteries, chapels and temples carved into the side of a basalt cliff. Of the 100 caves, only 34 are open to the public. Located in Maharashtra, India, the Ellora Caves date back to 600 A.D. It took Buddhist, Hindu and Jain monks over five centuries to build them.

The highlight of the Ellora caves is the Kailasa temple. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, it is the largest monolithic sculpture in the world. Other sites of interest include the large Buddha preaching in the Carpenter's Cave, so named because of the rock's resemblance to polished wood. Don't miss the two huge statues of Indra in the Chota Kailasha cave.

15. Terracotta Army

The Terracotta Warriors, also known as the Terracotta Army, is an impressive collection of thousands of life-size soldiers and horses. Located in Xi'an, China, near the tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi, there are approximately 600 underground pits dating back to the third century BC. They were discovered by accident in the 1970s, when locals were digging for a water catchment area.

Although many of the pits have not yet been excavated, three of them are open to the public and are located in the Terracotta Army Museum. Besides their volume, the interest of these clay soldiers lies in the fact that each face is unique. They were sculpted by hand with individual features and required about 40 years of handiwork in total.

14. Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza, one of the world's most famous archaeological sites, was once a thriving pre-Hispanic city on the Yucatan Peninsula. Built by the Maya in 600 AD, it was abandoned in 1221 when Mayapan became the new capital.

Highlights include the Temple of Kukulkan, a giant stone pyramid with four stairways representing a compass and 365 steps for each day of the year. It is best visited during the spring or fall equinox, when the sun creates a light show on the pyramid's stairs.

Other must-see sites include the Temple of the Warriors, the Mayan Ball Court, the Wall of Skulls and the sacred Cenote, which was once a place of human sacrifice. Since Chichen Itza is always crowded, it is best to go early in the morning or just before closing time.

13. Acropolis

From its perch above the city of Athens, the Acropolis topped by the Parthenon can be seen from any corner of the city. First built and inhabited by Pericles in the 5th century, the Acropolis eventually evolved into a city of temples.

These ancient structures were made of bronze and pentelic marble, and some were even plated with gold. Restorations are still underway, so don't be surprised to find scaffolding still in place. Many of the original artifacts have been transferred to the Acropolis Museum, so it's well worth a visit during your stay.

As the Parthenon is exposed to the sun, it is best to visit early in the morning or late in the evening. This is also when it is less crowded.

12. Bagan

The ancient city of Bagan is a captivating temple town in Myanmar. Once the capital of a powerful kingdom in the 11th and 13th centuries, it had at its peak more than 10,000 temples, monasteries, shrines, pagodas and stupas.

Since then, these sacred sites have fallen into ruin due to Mongol invasions, neglect and natural disasters. Only 2,000 temple ruins remain, scattered over the horizon. Although you can explore the archaeological area of Bagan on foot, you can best appreciate the sheer number of temples from the air.

A hot air balloon ride over Bagan is a worthy addition to your bucket list!

11. Tikal

With its gray temples protruding from the lush Guatemalan jungle canopy, seeing the ruins of Tikal is something truly special. A popular day trip from Flores or El Remate, these remote ruins are dotted with pyramids, temples and palaces.

Tikal, which is one of the largest archaeological sites in Mesoamerica, was the largest and most powerful Mayan city around 600 AD. Don't miss the Temple of the Two-Headed Serpent during your stay. It is one of the tallest pre-Columbian structures in the Western Hemisphere. As you climb to the top, you will have an incredible 360 degree view of the rainforest and beyond.

10. Karnak

The Karnak Temple complex in Luxor, Egypt, is impressive in its size. Covering an area larger than most ancient cities, it is dotted with temples, shrines, obelisks and sanctuaries. It took over 2,000 years to build and each Egyptian pharaoh left his own architectural mark.

Cross the Avenue of the Sphinxes and discover the Great Hypostyle Hall. This enormous hall filled with towering pylons and sturdy sandstone columns is one of the most famous and most photographed attractions in ancient Egypt.

While you're there, stop to admire the sacred lake and the nearby granite scarab. It is said that if you circle it seven times, you will have good luck in love.

9. Borobudur

Made from a staggering two million blocks of volcanic stone, Borobudur in Indonesia is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Dating back to the 9th century, it fell into ruin until it was rediscovered in the 1800s. Since then, it has been restored to its former glory and is especially popular at sunrise.

The Borobudur monument consists of six square platforms topped by three circular platforms. A path of enlightenment runs from the base of the pyramid through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, the world of forms and the world of formlessness. It is decorated with more than 2,000 reliefs and 500 statues of Buddha, each displaying a Buddhist teaching.