10 Top Tourist Attractions in Marrakech


The former imperial capital of Morocco, Marrakech (also spelled Marrakesh) is an exotic city that draws visitors with its Moroccan charm. Whether travelers arrive by express or visit the city with Charles Boyer and his Kasbah in mind, all will be enchanted by what they find. Whether it's haggling in a souk or watching a snake charmer at work, this medieval North African city will always find something new to tempt visitors. An overview of Marrakech's main tourist attractions:

See also: Where to Stay in Marrakech

10. Menara gardens

The Menara Gardens are popular with locals and visitors alike because they provide a cool place to escape the heat of Marrakech's scorching summer days. The original purpose of the 12th century gardens was to provide a place where people could cool off and farm. Smaller gardens are built around a large artificial lake fed by canals. Palms, olive trees and fruit trees grow in the orchards, so visitors can usually see pruners and pickers at work. A good place to view the gardens is the pavilion or minzeh, once used by a sultan and his family, which overlooks the pool.

9. Saadian Tombs

The Saadian tombs served as burial places for royalty and nobility for two hundred years, beginning in the mid-sixteenth century. The last burial took place in 1792, after which the tombs were neglected until they were rediscovered in 1917. The tombs consist of two main mausoleums where 66 people are buried, while another 100 are buried in the gardens, with their headstones covered with tiles. The buildings are imposing, simple in some places and very decorative in others.

8. El Badi Palace

El Badi Palace may be in ruins today, but it was once an ornate palace that was financed by the ransom paid by the Portuguese after the Battle of the Three Kings in the mid-16th century. Only the most lavish and expensive materials were used during the 25 years it took to build the palace. Gold and onyx were used throughout, and the sultan traded sugar for the Italian marble used in the columns. The palace had 360 rooms and several pavilions. A later sultan plundered the building of its lush materials and furnishings for his own palace, so only ruins remain today.

7. Koutoubia Mosque

The Koutoubia Mosque is a Marrakech landmark, dominating the city's southwestern medina. Dating from the 12th century, the mosque is easily distinguished, as its minaret is 77 meters (253 feet) high, as the largest mosque in Marrakech. If all roads lead to Rome, in Marrakech they lead to the mosque. During the French occupation, the mosque was used as a central point of the road network. The red stone mosque has six rooms, stacked one on top of the other, to prevent people on the minaret from observing the king's harem. Non-Muslims are not allowed inside.

6. Bahia Palace

Il a fallu 60 ans aux meilleurs ouvriers du Maroc pour construire le palais Bahia, situé dans la médina ou le vieux quartier de Marrakech. La réunion d'une grande maison et de plusieurs petites en un palais valait certainement la peine d'attendre. Construit au XIXe siècle pour un grand vizir, il incorpore le meilleur des influences islamiques et marocaines. Le palais accueille aujourd'hui les visiteurs d'État du Maroc. Comme il s'agit d'un bâtiment gouvernemental en activité, toutes les pièces ne sont pas ouvertes au public, mais certaines de celles qui le sont comprennent les quartiers du harem et les jardins.

5. Jardin Majorelle

When it's time to relax in bustling Marrakech, savvy travelers head to Jardin Majorelle, an oasis of beautiful flowers, lush greenery and patios where visitors can sit and refresh themselves. The garden is named after French painter Jacques Majorelle, who spent 40 years creating it after moving to Morocco. Since 1980, the garden has been owned by Yves Saint-Laurent and Pierre Bergé. The garden is small by some standards, but it is exquisitely designed with exotic plants, fountains and winding paths, all in an effort to remind visitors of an aspect of Morocco.

4. Ben Youssef Madrasa

Ben Youssef Madrasa was once a theological college dedicated to teaching the Qur'an. Once the largest center of learning in North Africa, it housed up to 900 students at a time. The madrasa is centered around a large courtyard, with an elaborately decorated prayer room at the back. Now a historic site, the madrasa is marked by distinctive architecture reminiscent of the Alhambra in Spain. Arabic inscriptions can be found throughout the complex. Visitors say it is worth the visit to see the mosaics and 14th century architecture.

3. Marrakech Medina

Marrakech's ancient medina is full of interlacing narrow passages and characterful local stores. The medina is also the place to stay in a Riad, a Moroccan house with an inner courtyard. Most of the windows face inward, toward the central atrium. This design is in keeping with Islamic tradition, as there is no obvious statement of wealth on the outside, no windows to look through. They are ideal living spaces that offer an intimate and relaxing retreat.

2. Marrakech Souks

Shopping in the souks of Marrakech is a breathtaking experience. The city has five main souks, each dedicated to a single product. There is one for carpets and another for babouches, the traditional Moroccan leather slippers; note that the bright yellow slippers are for men. A third is devoted to metalwork, while another sells an array of fragrant spices. The Mellah or Jewish Quarter is not really a souk, but it is a good place to buy fabrics, trimmings and haberdashery. Bargaining is to be expected; buyers should not set their initial price at more than half of what the merchant is looking for.

1. Djemaa el Fna

Djemaa el Fna, located in the medina, is the city's main square and Marrakech's most popular tourist attraction. It is also a market, where travelers can buy orange juice or watch a snake charmer at work. As the day progresses, the snake charmers are replaced by traditional dancers and magicians, who are in turn replaced by food stalls. A souk selling basic necessities is on one side, the hotels on the other. The colorful market place may be familiar to moviegoers, as it was featured in Hitchcock's film The Man Who Knew Too Much.