5 reasons why having a dog will make you live longer and better lives

 What are 5 good reasons to get a dog?

5 reasons why having a dog will make you live longer (and better) lives

Having a dog is good for your mood, health and sociality: medicine reveals. Here are 5 reasons why you should let a dog into your life.

  • Dog is the vitamin of good mood
  • Having a dog will help you be more sociable
  • Dogs make you more active
  • Having a dog helps you have a goal
  • Having a dog helps you feel better

Animals improve life; they are empathetic, bring good humor and are good for health: this is not only said by medicine but also by all the people who have been lucky enough to have a 4-legged friend in their lives. Usually people are divided into two teams: those who prefer felines and bring a cat into their apartment and those who prefer a dog that becomes a companion on adventures. Today we reveal 5 reasons why having a dog will make you live more.

Dog is the vitamin of good mood

The first reason why you should adopt a dog is definitely to be able to regain your smile. Whether you are going through a breakup or a particularly stressful personal period choosing to bring a four-legged friend into your life can only do you good.

According to a study published by Society & Animals, people who own dogs are more likely to laugh throughout the day; we're not just talking about simple smiles but actual contagious laughter that is stimulated throughout the day by the dogs' funny behaviors.

Although felines are also good for the mood, cats usually boast more posed behavior while dogs are true comedians in disguise. Dogs make us laugh and they don't even do it on purpose; it comes naturally to them.

Having a dog will help you be more sociable

Identifying dogs as helping with sociability is the University of Liverpool, which together with the University of Bristol published a study by some scientists inherent in the behavior of people who have dogs.

Having a dog improves sociability and helps you make new friends; if you have moved to a new city or changed neighborhoods, if you even just want to expand your circle of friends or wish to meet a new love a dog can be a companion to have by your side.

Having a dog will help you break the ice, thus being able to be more sociable. In fact, according to the study, those who have a dog are more likely to make new acquaintances and meet people; especially among dog owners it is easy to make friends but even those who do not have one cannot resist those cute little faces at the park.

Dogs make you more active

According to the National Academy of Sciences having a dog is good for your health: in addition to helping us prevent sensitivity to certain allergens, pets are an ally for those who want to get fit. By needing to walk several times a day, you too will be prompted to do more physical activity.

The daily 10,000 steps will become a breeze by having one of the best walking companions in the world; walking is very good for you and will help you not only get fit but also prevent cardiovascular disease and reduce cellulite.

Walking outdoors in the company of your dog will also help you take breaks from work, especially now that you are on smart work: no more lunch in front of the PC working a non-stop shift because he needs you-or maybe you need him?

Having a dog helps you have a goal

Having a dog helps you achieve a goal you have set for yourself: especially adopting a 4-legged friend will help you to have more regular rhythms but most importantly to feel that you have a purpose. According to medicine, a dog becomes a natural antidepressant and a great ally for those who suffer from states of anxiety or depression: having a little being to take care of and who needs us makes us feel more responsible and above all makes us feel useful.

Some psychologists recommend adopting a small dog for those who are facing particularly difficult times in their lives such as bereavement, separation, and job loss. Adopting a puppy makes you feel useful again while enjoying incredible psychological benefits.

Having a dog helps you feel better

According to statistics, those who own a dog are less depressed than those who do not have a 4-legged friend in their lives: but that's not all, having a dog helps you feel better medically as well. Four-legged friends are great allies for the health of children who get sick less by being able to have a stronger immune system.

In what other ways does a dog help you feel better? Having a dog helps you to keep fit by staying more active, helps you in the management of a post-traumatic disorder by managing to have a better mental and physical balance.

According to some statistics having a dog helps you to be less likely to have heart problems but also becomes an excellent ally for more important conditions such as fibromyalgia, autism or other disabilities.