5 things that will make you realize that your dog has chosen you and will love you forever

How do you know if your dog has chosen you?

5 things that will make you realize that your dog has chosen you and will love you forever

 Sincere and unconditional love, ready to last forever. Here's how to tell if your dog has chosen you.

  • The choice of the reference figure
  • Who will love most in the family?
  • When you are chosen as a "human mom"
  • When does the dog choose you?
  • Clear pacts from the start and friendship forever
  • Signs that the dog has chosen you and loves you

An unbreakable bond that can rely on the unconditional love our four-legged friend will feel for us. Dogs, whether found, adopted or chosen, are capable of giving so much without expecting much in return except a few cuddles and a favorite treat. A universal law of affection unites dog and owner, who is not always the one who chooses the pet. Often the opposite happens. Here's how to tell if the dog has chosen you as a reference.

The choice of the reference figure

In the special relationship between you and your dog, you will, of course, be the "master," its figurehead. The dog, after all, is domesticated by nature, but it learns the basics of living with humans if someone teaches it.

If we live alone with our friend Fido, it is a given that the dog will identify in us a figure to follow. It does not matter whether puppy or an adult dog: he will be able to understand who is working hard at that moment to make him well. Who, in essence, with passion and love, will do everything to meet his needs, from feeding to walking to playing.

Who will love the most in the family?

When we live in an average-sized family, our dog will make a different sort of selection. In fact, in this case, how can you tell if the dog has chosen you as a reference? The dog will begin to observe the behaviors of the individual family members toward you, and it will draw up a kind of liking ranking. At this time, a sentimental hierarchy will form in the furry friend's head.

The dog, in electing his favorite of the family, will take into account the commitment that family members put into his upbringing and leisure time to spend with him. Selfish, the friend Fido! It would come to be said, it is actually an elitist attitude in reserving love in quantity, reserving it for the few.

The dog is a keen observer of household dynamics. Not only does he assess the behaviors that individual family members reserve for him, but he also scrutinizes the interpersonal relationships among family members to see what they are made of. Have you ever noticed a strange aversion to that aunt who is particularly disliked by everyone? There, the dog noticed it too!

When you are chosen as "human moms"

How well we are able to meet the dog's basic needs will put us in the running to be elected as a mom. To understand whether the dog has chosen you as a reference, it will be important to look at his attitude. He will certainly nurture unconditional affection if you treat him lovingly.

If since he was a puppy he has been fed, well cared for and entertained with us, he will see us as the mother figure of reference from the time he is weaned. The rest of the family should not be disappointed: in a different way, the dog will love everyone, despite its heart leader.

When does the dog choose you?

It is the first months of life that already give birth to and cement that unbreakable bond with our four-legged friend. A relationship that is consolidated in manner, namely imprinting, that special kind of learning by exposure, which serves to fix a stable memory of the visual characteristics of the individuals from whom you will be bred.

Understanding whether the dog has chosen you as a reference is crucial at this time: our furry friend will begin to consider you a leader from puppyhood by learning good rules of coexistence such as feeding or potty time.

Clear pacts from the start and friendship forever

Set stakes and allow the dog to internalize the rules you must necessarily dictate. The dog must be accustomed to certain times: those of food, of walking for potty time (who leads who, and how you behave: don't pull, drop, or drag us to other dogs to barf!), of your work routine. He will have to learn to be alone in the house for a few hours, without destroying the apartment, as well as respect the spaces intended for him, and not, for example, for an infant.

Considering the dog as our equal is not then strange, but it is essential to make him understand who is in charge in the house. And maybe even outside, to avoid unpleasant situations. In short, a hierarchy needs to be established. Beware of the wrist: being too sweet and permissive, is not always the right attitude. You know, those eyes that look at us with so much love, they tear our hearts, but don't concede too much, otherwise the roles will be reversed. And he will be the one to take you out for a walk!

Signs that the dog has chosen you and loves you

A few simple signs, help you know if the dog has chosen you as a reference. Just observe what catches his attention, and when he is happy to do something.

Here's what to notice: when the dog always sits at our feet, when he never looks away and constantly seeks our gaze. Or, when we are the first ones he wakes up in the morning, or to whom he turns for food or cuddles.  If there are friends or relatives in the house, of course our four-legged friend will engage them in play, but he will look at you as if asking permission. At that moment he will assure you of love forever.