Does bickering kill desire

 Is Bickering a bad thing?

Does bickering kill desire?

Bickering and boredom are the main enemies of the couple. To awaken desire, better to learn how to manage it than to buy sex toys

  • Ogni coppia vive un momento specifico
  • Impazienza e noia sono i principali nemici della coppia
  • Meglio gestire bene i conflitti che comprare sex toys
"How to keep your sex life active over the years?": this is one of the answers I receive most often in the vagina post (a column I keep on Instagram). If I had an effective answer, I would probably be a billionaire

What are moments in relationship?

The truth is that answering this question universally is impossible. Every relationship, every couple, every individual has his or her own experience, fantasies, and private events that condition his or her desire (trivially, all the box-breaking of adulthood, from bureaucracy to work, via the MRI report to the squabble with the upstairs neighbor). Each case, in short, should be contextualized in the historical moment that the couple is experiencing (or rather, that the two people in it are experiencing).

How does boredom affect relationships?

However, there is something useful to be said on the subject. The best-known and most common enemies of the navigated couple that is accusing of desire fatigue are two. The first is exacerbated conflict: we get on each other's nerves about everything and, every other day, question the relationship, wondering whether it's worth continuing or whether it's better to break up (although then you know what a flutter it is to share books, dishes, affections...).

The second, pneumatic boredom, that mysterious anthropological phenomenon by virtue of which two human beings, kept in close contact for a sufficiently prolonged period of time, turn into worn-out slippers, which no longer have any seductive ambitions and, when necessary, emit thunderous flatulence.

Better to manage conflict well than to buy sex toys

Managing conflict in an adult and constructive way and not giving in to the lure of the couch while trying to keep oneself attractive could be key exercises in improving the couple's well-being, of which sex life is a faithful indicator. Much more useful than renewing the park of underwear outfits, disturbing laces and sex toys!