What is a sleepcation and why might it be right for you?

 What is a Sleepcation?

What is a sleepcation and why might it be right for you?

Pack only the desire to rest and go on a sleepcation, the sleep vacation to recharge your batteries

Recharge your energy and enjoy maximum rest, but on vacation. It is called sleepcation is and the new frontier of vacation. Not suitable for adventurous spirits eager to discover the world, of course, but perfect for a weekend or a few days after long periods of stress and fatigue. With this type of travel comes benefits for body and mind.

Organizing a sleepcation today is quite simple. One carves out a few days from work, nice weekend, but also during the week, and sets off for a destination decided in time. It can be a place surrounded by nature, as well as a metropolis: the important thing is to balance the time spent visiting the place, and the time spent on a comfortable mattress and the pillow of our dreams. Obviously -otherwise where would the novelty lie?- rest is preferred over touring with a map in hand.

Nowadays, it is well known that the hectic and busy daily life often negatively affects rest. Especially the way we sleep and the amount of hours we devote to restorative sleep. It is no wonder that, every statistic on the subject, delivers a picture in increasingly often people are getting few hours of sleep (going to bed later, despite having the alarm clock set at the same time) and resting decidedly poorly. Sleep, clearly, heavily affects several conditions of our lives, and, not least, physical and mental well-being. A few days of sleepcation, perhaps in idyllic facilities or regeneration spas, and you can regain some lost energy.

Sleepcation vacation

The goal of this sleep vacation is to unplug from everything and everyone, to regenerate body and mind, and better face the days ahead. It can also be understood as a preparatory trip ahead of a particularly full period from a work or family perspective. Having free time to rest seems almost like a utopia, a real dream, which with sleepcation is possible to fulfill.

From the need to recharge your batteries came the concept of sleepcation, a true wellness ritual: all you have to do, for most of the time on this mini vacation, is essentially sleep, whenever you feel the need. Without answering phone calls, texts, and emails. Work, thorny issues, unavoidable commitments, are not part of the vocabulary of this kind of relaxing trip.

What are the ideal accommodations?

Where to go to travel while sleeping? In Italy, there are still no real sleeping hotels, but facilities that have set up soundproof rooms, equipped with every comfort -starting with the comfort of the bed- in which to sleep soundly again. From Milan to New York, from India to the Alps, the essential thing is to have pajamas in your suitcase, and few distractions. A vacation idea certainly not for everyone, but one that is well suited to a few days off.

 The advice is to choose facilities immersed in nature, such as a forest-where glamping, lodge tents and mini chalets spaced out and perfect for sleepcation, or hotels by the lake, the sea, houseboats on the river are becoming increasingly popular. Many hotels, precisely because of this growing phenomenon, are adapting to the demands: in some establishments-usually high-end-even a pillow menu exists. Like a restaurant, but instead of courses there are shape, hardness, memory foam of pillows.

In fact, there is a steady increase in the number of accommodations and large hotel chains that are expanding their services precisely with a view to the conception of vacation as not necessarily a way to explore an area, but to enjoy well-deserved rest. And to indulge in a few hours on the go. It seems, but this is quite subjective, that museums, exhibitions and monuments, knowing they have time to rest, are appreciated even more

The fundamentals of this vacation

After choosing the ideal facility, planning the vacation will be very easy. No packed itinerary of destinations to reach and visit, but only the unmissable (or even nothing at all!); and a fairly light suitcase, in which to put only the necessities for the night and little more. Electronic devices, so pcs, tablets, etc. will have to stay at home. The cell phone, on the other hand, is best used the bare minimum. Combining a digital detox with a sleep vacation will make sleepcation truly rejuvenating.

Benefits of sleepcation

Being able to indulge in a mini Sleepcation vacation, then, would have significant benefits, even in the long run. When you return from this restful trip, in fact, your normal sleep routine will benefit as well: you will be able to sleep several hours a night thanks to the new rhythm acquired on "vacation," giving your body and mind the true luxury of regenerating for real. After a few days, the body will have regained its biorhythm. This has positive influences on both mood and physical condition: less fatigue, responsiveness, less muscle aches, and even blood pressure and weight regulation.