Bad sleep: if you notice these 7 signs it's happening to you

What are some signs of bad sleep?

Bad sleep: if you notice these 7 signs it's happening to you

 Difficult nights are common among adults. But sometimes it can become pathological. Poor sleep can have health consequences. Here's how to find out if you're not resting as you should at night

  • You delay your alarm clock every 5 minutes
  • You don't fall asleep at night and wake up too early in the morning
  • Bad sleep makes you feel tired all the time
  • You can't concentrate
  • Do you get sick often? Maybe you are sleeping badly
  • Consequences of sleeping badly: you struggle to digest
  • Are you gaining weight? Maybe you're sleeping poorly
  • Poor sleep: tips for taking action
  • Create the conditions for not sleeping badly

Insomnia, night awakenings, difficulty falling asleep. Lying down on the bed to fall immediately into the arms of Morpheus is not always easy. Often when you succeed, you end up sleeping badly. Among adult people, difficult nights are a common problem. There are many reasons for not getting a good night's sleep: it can be due to poor habits, stress, worries, even the bed and pillow. Poor quality sleep significantly affects our health. But how can we tell that we are sleeping poorly? Here are some signs not to be underestimated.

Delay waking up every 5 minutes

Every morning the same story: the alarm clock goes off and you delay it for five minutes. Just enough time to finish the dream you were having. Then, another five minutes, and so on. Result: you are late and stressed. If you can't wake up on time, it's probably because you couldn't get into deep sleep. So, you are sleeping badly.

You don't fall asleep at night and wake up too early in the morning

When you sleep poorly, your sleep-wake rhythm is altered. Falling asleep becomes more difficult, while you wake up with great ease well in advance of your scheduled time to get up. Pay attention to this: do you manage to fall asleep easily or do you spend a long time tossing and turning in bed before you manage to do so? Do you always wake up earlier in the morning and then get so nervous that you can't get back to sleep?

Does poor sleep make you feel tired all the time

You always feel like sleeping. In the morning you have a hard time not falling asleep in front of the computer. After the lunch break, same thing. Your eyes are heavy and close on their own. Poor quality sleep leads to drowsiness during the day because you are not fully rested.

You can't concentrate

You forget things, struggle to concentrate, even have mood disorders. Without a doubt, lack of sleep is the culprit. Sleep, in fact, plays an essential role in the proper functioning of the brain, particularly the prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for cognitive functions such as language, reasoning and even memory. If the accumulated hours of sleep are of poor quality, the consequences on the brain will be irrevocable.

Do you get sick often? Maybe you're sleeping poorly

Poor sleep can lead to dangerous consequences for our health. The immune system suffers, reducing its activity. Thus you have a greater propensity to contract illnesses, especially those caused by viruses and bacteria such as the flu. We don't think about it, but if we are often sick it could be the consequence of poor sleep.

Consequences of poor sleep: you struggle to digest.

One of the consequences, and therefore also a symptom that helps us know that we are sleeping poorly, is often suffering from intestinal discomfort. This problem affects women in particular. Poor sleep, in fact, can affect the digestive system, can alter its regular functioning. The consequence is that one often feels heaviness in the stomach, digests poorly after eating, and even begins to suffer from colitis or gastritis.

Are you gaining weight? Maybe you sleep badly

Not everyone knows, but sleeping badly can also make us gain weight. In fact, our bodies are unable to regenerate from the labors of the day. Because of the lack of energy, we feel a greater need to consume sweets and foods high in sugar. Better to run for cover.

Poor sleep: tips for taking action

When we sleep badly, the sleep-wake cycle is altered, and it often happens that we wake up during the night or in the early morning hours. The first thing we do in such cases is to check the time. We become anxious because we cannot fall asleep, our body produces cortisol, a hormone that increases agitation to the point that resuming sleep becomes impossible. In such cases, any electronic device should be avoided. No to TV and smartphones: the light from these devices is not conducive to sleep. Better to get up and distract yourself, perhaps reading until drowsiness returns.

Create the conditions for not sleeping badly

Stress and worries can take away our sleep at night. Better to leave them out of bed, perhaps by trying to relax before bedtime, or by meditation. But the place where we sleep also needs to be sleep-proof. An old mattress, an inadequate pillow, too many blankets or too few can affect the quality of sleep and cause us to wake up with headaches, backaches, irritability, red and puffy eyes. Better run for cover. Bedding should be changed and washed regularly, so irritation from dust mites and other allergens is avoided. The climate of the room should also be appropriate: make sure it is not too hot or too cold.