6 things you can learn from a man's relationship with his mother

 What does a man relationship with his mother mean?

6 things you can learn from a man's relationship with his mother

Does the man you are seeing hate his mother or does he consider her his best friend? Pay attention to the relationship between them; you might learn a lot about him. And even if your relationship is meant to last....

  • He avoids his mother altogether
  • He does everything she says
  • He openly hates his mother
  • He is afraid of disappointing her
  • His mother is his best friend

You have met a guy you like, you have been seeing each other for some time, and you would like to know if he is really the ideal man for you. Look at his relationship with his mother. She is the first person with whom he had a close and connected relationship; she is the one who shaped his values and worldview. Paying attention to the kind of relationship he has with her will reveal quite a bit about what kind of person the man you are dating is, and also how he relates to the women he falls in love with. The way he treats his mother says a lot about him. Here are six examples of mother-son relationship dynamics and the conclusions you can draw from them.

He avoids his mother altogether

The man you like spends a lot of time avoiding his mother. At first you thought he did this because he forgets to call her. Now, however, you have realized that he does it because she creates anxiety or distress for him. If she upsets him, he will not be a confident man. He is afraid that if he were to tell her how he feels, his mother would be angry and he might get even more criticism from her. He has a reputation of being a "good guy," he is liked by others, but underneath he does not put much effort into social activities. If you are an outgoing woman, you will not last long with such a man. If, on the other hand, you like to stay at home and go out very little, this guy is the one for you. Remember: he's a man who doesn't tackle problems head-on. So, expect deep conversations and fights with him to be more complicated.

She does everything she says

The man you date does not do or say anything without Mother's approval, even if he is forty years old or older. One word: get away! Yes, this man will adore and spoil you. He believes that women are essential and should be appreciated. The problem is that there can only be one queen bee in his world. And that is not you: it is her. Whatever important decisions he makes will be based on what she wants and not on what you two want as a couple. He is loving and affectionate; he is everyone's best friend. No one has anything to say about him. He is generous in spirit and loyal as a puppy, but in the end his view of you will always be shaped by that visible or invisible force: his dearest mother.

He openly hates his mother

You have realized that the man you are dating hates his mother. You may not have realized it, but such men have the bite of a rattlesnake. Be careful. Often a woman's bond with her mother can also be difficult, but in the case of men the consequences are different. If he has a tumultuous relationship with his mother, this is not a nice thing. Maybe they had a fight, maybe she is disappointed in him for some reason or vice versa, the fact is that he holds a grudge against her. He is the classic "broken bad boy." He loves women, but up to a point. He loves them when they behave as they should and not when they behave as they should not. The reality is that he is afraid of the power a woman might have over him, so he has a lot of girlfriends, and somehow none of them are his match. He is also prone to complain about his mother and garner sympathy for his broken childhood. Are you thinking of dating a guy like this? Don't!

He is afraid of disappointing her

His mother is not at all one of those women who wants to dictate in her children's lives. Too bad he is so afraid of disappointing her and tends to do everything in secret. Such a man tends to be a sneaky, cunning person who takes all kinds of risks to get what he wants and usually succeeds. But, if you are involved with him, you will have to be involved in his little escapades as well. If you protest, maybe he tries to humor you because he hates confrontation, but he says "yes" to you and then does what he wants. It's kind of annoying, isn't it?

His mother is his best friend

If he considers his mother his best friend, and openly tells her everything he thinks, even standing up to her if appropriate, you have a confident man on your hands. He is not threatened by women, but stimulated by them. He likes romantic relationships and loves the thrill of an argument. So if you are not confident, he will not be the right person for you. He has a lot of girlfriends, which might make you jealous, and he is not one to commit quickly. But, when he does, it's pretty much forever.