First white hair? Here are the causes and remedies for covering them

 What causes white hair at an early age?

First white hair? Here are the causes and remedies for covering them

Did you know that one of the causes of the appearance of gray hair is a lack of melanin? And that you can color your hair with cocoa and coffee? Find out what are the other causes and how to cover early white hair naturally

  • White hair: what are the causes and natural remedies
  • White hair and lack of melanin
  • White hair and nutrition
  • Natural remedies for white hair

  1. Hibiscus or karkade
  2. Herbal oils
  3. Infusion of rosemary, sage and tea
  4. Cocoa or coffee
  5. Henna

White hair: what are the causes and natural remedies

We women like to take care of our hair, its appearance and vitality because it is one of the first details others notice about us. They help us feel good and have confidence in ourselves.

For many, however, the arrival (even early) of the first gray hair is a significant inconvenience, often experienced as a problem to be solved, which often pushes us into the tunnel of dyeing hair to be done every month.

But why do we get white hair? It is not just a matter of aging (as once thought) because when hair turns white, there are really many causes:
  • poor nutrition
  • stress
  • genetic inheritance
  • lack of vitamin B, iron, copper and iodine
  • poor scalp condition
  • inordinate use of straighteners
  • chronic constipation
  • hormonal imbalances

White hair and lack of melanin

The cause of 'colorlessness is due to hair follicles that contain a pigment called melanin. Yes, exactly like the one that 'colors' our skin.

When the body stops producing these pigments, they necessarily begin to turn colorless, yellow and slowly turn and turn white. Basically, if melanin production is reduced, hair loses color as well as strength.

White hair and nutrition

As always, the first step is to feed yourself in the best way possible.

Here, then, is the need to fill up on:

  • vitamins E and C, which we can find in green peppers and citrus fruits, seeds, grains, fish and vegetable oils,
  • biotin is an important vitamin in the prevention of white hair and is found in eggs, chocolate, brewer's yeast, peas, peanuts and dairy products
  • selenium, silicon and copper found in bitter cocoa, nuts, green leafy vegetables, lobster, peanuts, grains and fish.
Beyond a healthy and proper dietary philosophy, the only real option for treating white or gray hair that sprouts early on our hair is coloring. But none of these products can induce the now-dead melanin-producing cells to "come back to life" by creating new pigments.

Natural remedies for gray hair

There are many natural coloring systems for covering gray hair without dyeing: products that are readily available at home, healthy for the hair and on a budget. Here are a few:

Hibiscus or karkade

Intervenes against hair loss and acts as a recoloring and darkening agent. It is a natural reflector whose highlights range from cool pink to plum red: however, its dyeing properties are effective when combined with other dyeing herbs, for example Lawsonia inermis (henna) or Indigo/Katam.

Herbal oils

These are extremely effective and you can choose from those made from acacia arabic and ginseng, which open the scalp's capillaries, improving blood circulation and nourishing the roots more.

Infusion based on rosemary, sage and tea

Prepare an infusion by soaking tea leaves, sage and rosemary in one liter of water. After bringing to a boil for half an hour, let it sit overnight. Then strain the water and pour the mixture over your hair. Leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing and washing the hair. The tea is rich in pigments, which is why it gently and smoothly masks gray hair. Sage and rosemary are very effective herbs for concealing gray hair

Cocoa or coffee

To naturally darken hair: simply make a cream consisting of three tablespoons of honey and three of cocoa, leave on dry hair for about an hour and then rinse.

Otherwise you can use coffee. Brew a mocha of coffee, let it cool and then pour the dark liquid over your hair before washing it. Hold for 10 minutes, then rinse.


There is a natural product that allows you to change your look without ruining your hair. We are talking about henna. It is a natural powder obtained by drying a shrub with dyeing properties. It is among the oldest remedies used to dye hair.