Bridal makeup: inspirations for every age, from 20 to 50 years old

Wedding makeup natural

Bridal makeup: inspirations for every age, from 20 to 50 years old

 Is there a bridal makeup for every age? What to enhance at the age of 30? And what, on the other hand, after 50? Make up artist's answers

  • Bridal makeup at 20
  • Bridal makeup at 30
  • Bridal makeup at 40 years old
  • Bridal makeup at 50 and beyond
  • Bridal makeup inspirations
In Italy people get married at all ages, at 20 as well as 60. This is according to the Istat report on marriage and civil unions, released in March 2023. The average age of first weddings is at 33. Possible second marriages take place after the age of 40. Around age 50, however, people decide to formalize their relationship through a civil ceremony. And looks, including bridal makeup adjust accordingly.

Will there be a different bridal makeup for every age? That's what we asked make-up artist Paolo Guatelli, who pointed out some specific tips for each age group in which people are getting married: 20 years old, 30 years old, 40 years old and over 50 years old.

Bridal makeup at 20

At 20 years old, the skin is toned and supple, so it is good to enhance it naturally. "My main suggestion for the 20-year-old bride is not to go overboard with base layers, foundations, concealers and various powders. Of course, it is important to cover any imperfections or even out the complexion if necessary. But the main thing is not to get "obsessed" with Kim Kardashian-style contouring mania. The play of shadows and highlights can certainly be replicated, but if too structured, as indeed celebrities do, it risks losing the freshness of a 20-year-old bride.

Bridal makeup at 30

The tip for the 30-year-old bride concerns the eyebrows. "At 30 it is common for a girl to focus - rightly so - on her eyebrows. Often following trends. Today thick eyebrows are in fashion, tomorrow super thin ones will be back, if not even erased.

Generally, in the eyebrow field there is a dichotomy between those who prefer standard, hyper-defined lines and those who, on the other hand, leave them unkempt. My advice goes especially to the former: on the wedding day it is good to avoid too vertical lines at the root of the nose. A good bridal makeup should suggest harmony, and often this type of eyebrows makes you pouty!"

Bridal makeup at 40

At 40, bridal makeup should focus on the eyes. The reason? "Between the ages of 40 and 50, the skin of the eyelids loses tone, and begins to show some fine lines. Therefore, I suggest focusing on shading that optically corrects the less-than-elastic skin. Actually, a nice play of chiaroscuro highlights the beauty that a look has achieved precisely at 40, because it is more mature and aware.

Bridal makeup at 50 and beyond

And we come to 50, an age when bridal makeup might focus on the mouth. "After 50, a mouth enhanced by the right lipstick really makes a difference especially on a "clean" makeup in the rest of the face. I envision a natural eye makeup paired with well highlighted lips penciled and lipstick in the color that looks best on the bride. Yes to bright colors if you like them, better to avoid, however, colors that are too dull and neutral.

The top tip? Outline the contour of the lips first with lip pencil and then swipe on a matte lipstick to serve as a long-lasting base. Once this base is prepared, you can apply a shiny creamy lipstick that will highlight your smile.

Bridal makeup inspirations

Ideas for your bridal makeup? Check out the backstage photos we selected for you.

Bridal makeup: inspirations for every age, from 20 to 50 years old