Sitting for a long time causes several damages: here are the remedies

 How can I reverse the effects of sitting too long?

Sitting for a long time causes several damages: here are the remedies

Do you sit 8 hours at your desk or are you forced to take endless car trips for work? The harms can be many, but there is no shortage of remedies

  • Sitting too much can be bad for you: watch out for the damage
  • Remedies

Physical activity is important, and staying in motion is essential. But if you're forced to sit for too long because of work, watch out for the damage. From obesity risks to neck pain to cardiovascular problems: here's how to prevent them.

Sitting too much can be bad for you: watch out for the damage

From the World Health Organization there is no doubt: prolonged sitting is bad for you. Therefore, it is best to reduce it as much as possible. In particular, sitting for more than 8 hours a day increases the chance of excess weight by 10%. Beware of uninterrupted periods: it is always recommended to break them up and allow yourself some exercise. Trying to balance a sedentary life with a few exercise sessions can be a valuable aid to your well-being.

Unfortunately, the problems people face as a result of living too sedentary a life are not over yet. Those who spend the canonical 8 hours stationary in their chairs increase their risk of premature death compared to those who sit at their desks for only a few hours and indulge in at least an hour a day of physical activity. You don't have to go to the gym: if push-ups are not your thing and you have no passion for weights, fear not. Walking at a brisk pace is sufficient. If you have some time before going to work in the morning, you can invest it in this way. If, on the contrary, you are always running in the early morning, make an effort during your lunch break and treat yourself to a healthy walk. Alternatively, take advantage of the evening, perhaps after dinner.

Not just the risk of premature death: sitting for 8 hours a day or more causes cardiovascular problems due to improper blood circulation. Among the most common harms, there is also no shortage of annoying neck and shoulder pain. The spine becomes less resistant, and there is no shortage of leg problems. Indulging in little movement also causes muscle degeneration: that's when buttocks and abs become flabby. A real problem for us women who do everything we can to take care of our bodies and fight the inevitable signs of aging.... Problems with the functioning of organs such as the pancreas and colon are also not excluded.


To improve your lifestyle and prevent too much time sitting from causing you harm, change your daily routine. To do so, start with the simplest gestures and the most seemingly mundane habits. Resist the comfort of the elevator and start taking the stairs. On the bus, train or subway, spend more time standing (if the trip is not particularly long). Fight laziness and avoid lying on the couch for hours: better to listen to your favorite playlist or chat on the phone while enjoying a nice walk in the fresh air.

Physical activity is always valuable, and taking a break for a few minutes is good for you. Use it to go walking (or biking, if you prefer). To make a difference and counter your sedentary lifestyle, very simple activities of three minutes every thirty are enough. Also, every four minutes, move your legs alternately. All it takes is one minute. These are simple but useful gestures to preserve your cardiovascular health. Their duration, however, should not be considered universally valid. For example, if you do not do any physical activity and do not even focus on a healthy and balanced diet, the intensity of the exercises and the time you need to spend will increase.

Just one hour of moderate-intensity exercise is enough to counteract the negative effects caused by sitting for too long. Then, walking at just over 5 km/h or riding a bicycle at 15 km/h is enough. Also, don't forget to take off from work and give yourself a five-minute break every hour. Just going for a photocopy, drinking a glass of water or having a coffee could be very helpful for you.

The WHO also reiterates the importance of daily movement for our health. For this reason, it recommends about 150/300 minutes of aerobic physical activity per week, limited to moderate intensity, but also 75/150 minutes of vigorous activity. To be added, strengthening exercises of major muscle groups, to be performed at least 2 times a week.