How to celebrate Father's Day at a distance, during the Pandemic

 What to do for Father's Day when far away?

How to celebrate Father's Day at a distance, during the Pandemic

Celebrating Father's Day in Pandemic from Covid-19 is difficult: we miss the hugs, the affection, arranging a dinner at a restaurant or at home. In any case, however, there are many ideas for surprising your fathers, even from a distance.

  • How to celebrate Father's Day from a distance
  • Father's Day gift ideas
  • A dinner on a call
  • Flowers for dad? Absolutely
  • How to make a personalized card?

A year ago, many of us believed that 2021 would be different and that Father's Day could be celebrated as usual. Restrictions from Covid-19 dictate that we keep our distance from our loved ones to prevent contagion. But our love for Dad, fortunately, can be manifested in many ways. Tips and hints on how to celebrate Father's Day during the Pandemic.

We are immediately reminded of video calls, which proved extremely valuable during the first lockdown. Why not arrange a call with Dad? He would get together just the same. Don't pass up the gift and, why not, a bouquet of flowers. It's 2021: men can receive them, too, and they will be just as welcome, especially as given by their daughters.

How to celebrate Father's Day from a distance

In spite of everything, we miss the feverish rush to choose a gift for dad, the greeting card, the organization of a delicious dinner. These are customary gestures, which we can hardly give up. But we have to, we are compelled to. So how to celebrate Father's Day without making him miss our affection?

By ordering, perhaps, a tray of pastries, a cake, a bouquet of flowers or by having a gift delivered to him. In such a technological world as we currently live in, it is difficult not to be able to fulfill even the smallest of wishes, without even, then, spending a lot.

For those who cannot see themselves and their dad, we have come up with some tips for manifesting the love we feel. Let's start with the bakery: have you booked a cake for dad? Choose a super yummy one: for once, don't mind the calories at all. Chocolate, cream, custard - consider his tastes, of course.

Father's Day gift ideas.

If you do not have the opportunity to spend this holiday together with dad, you should not give up the gift: mind you, a personalized thought is very often much more welcome than an expensive gift. Especially in these times, when we have rediscovered the joy of a hug, the meaning of a word.

In the case of little boys or girls, crafts and little thoughts will be greatly appreciated. And for girls or adult women? How to celebrate Father's Day with a nice gift? Technology comes to our rescue: just book a gift, harnessing the power of online stores.

Many e-commerce stores deliver gifts same-day, allowing you to have a small but welcome surprise. For this year, personalized gifts are very fashionable: a keychain, a picture with a photo, an album, a bottle of her favorite wine.

A dinner call

This year unfortunately skips the classic family dinner. Thanks to modern technology, however, we can still organize a dinner with dad and the rest of the family. It takes some planning: try to choose a small menu dedicated to dad, having mom help you, or possibly order a pizza.

You can also decide to play a board game at a distance, such as the classic "name, things, city" or watch a movie in sync. Yes, they do not offer the same satisfaction as being able to hug dad. But at least you will have a chance to spend precious time with him.

Flowers for dad? Absolutely.

It's time to break the mold: flowers can also be given to dad. In fact, giving flowers is a gesture that has been going on since ancient times and is extremely welcome. An affectionate thought that can show closeness and, depending on the meaning of the flowers chosen, an important and sincere gesture.

But what are the flowers to give to dad? You can choose gardenia, a plant that has always inspired trust and loyalty, perfect for dads who work in offices, as its scent is intoxicating. Also very nice is the red carnation, which symbolizes liveliness and, above all, admiration-especially suitable, therefore, for the father figure. Finally, a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers, the flowers of the "sun" par excellence, magnificent and fragrant.

How to make a personalized card?

Looking for greetings for Father's Day? For those who are late and can no longer send a card with the postal services, once again we have a valuable medium at our disposal: e-mail. You can structure your Father's Day greeting card as you see fit: personal photos, of your happy childhood, of a special moment spent with the man in your life.

In any case, you can also choose Father's Day pictures for a super personalized card. Add sentences, write your feelings, open your heart. At such a difficult time in history, we believe that talking openly about your emotions has never been more important. Let him feel that you are there, that you know he is missed, but also that you love him and that, despite the passing years, he is still your superhero, like when he used to pick you up when you were little.